Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Early Days

As Aidan and I took our walk today, we ran into a new mom with a brand new baby. What a cute, little "blob" he was! We started to talk and she told me she couldn't wait for her baby to be more active and awake ... I chuckled and told her I remembered feeling that way when Aidan was a week old, now I sometimes find myself wishing I had those early days back - an inactive 'blob' he is not! "Enjoy him in each stage," I said - my unsolicited advise... "as they say, 'they all grow up so fast'."

I came home and had to look at the old photos of Aidan from his days at the hospital ... I can't believe he's gotten this big! Only 7 and a half months ago, but in a sense, I can barely remember him being that little.

And of course, I had to look at the photos from our newborn photo shoot with Monica Wharton when Aidan was a week old. What a fun and nerve-wracking morning that was! I remember feeling so "new" about everything baby-related.

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