Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aidan's 1st Christmas!!!

Yikes! Was Christmas really over a month ago? (And why do I feel like I always start my posts wondering where time has flown and making excuses for not blogging???) I really need to get better at updating the blog... ;-)

Aidan had an extra special 1st Christmas because Grandpa Bell got to visit us all the way from Tajikistan! Here's us visiting Santa on Thompson Avenue - despite Aidan's separation anxiety from me, he had no problem meeting Santa at all:

Taking in the X'mas decorations on Thompson Ave.:

These pictures don't really do it any justice, but Thompson Avenue during Christmas is a must-see! Its just a neighborhood street - one block - on the east end of Alameda where all the homes go all out in decorating their houses and yards. I'm talking some major Christmas spirit! There's a mailbox for letters for Santa and on certain evenings Santa comes to visit!! If you're in the Bay area - you need to come check it out, especially if you have little ones.

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